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Celtic Imagination as Healing Force

Celtic Imagination as Healing Force Part 1 – w cover image celtic imagination part 1 cover imageThe title of my Masters Project at Saybrook says summarizes much of my life quest and much of what I hope to do with my work and life the last few decades I have left.  The title is: Children of the Lost Feminine and the Distorted Masculine: Celtic Imagination as a Healing Force for Modern Ills.

The result of all the study into Irish-American, Irish, Celtic and family history was this: the Celtic Golden Age in the Middle Ages was a time of balance for human consciousness when the masculine energies of assertiveness had yet to be intensified into patriarchy and aggression, and when the feminine energies of connection had yet to be lost and negated by modern thinking patterns.

For me, this discovery added much to understanding of my life, my masculine identity, my family life and history and career. And the larger context for my life also became clearer: violence and war, corporate and business life and the ills of poverty and ecological deteriorization.

Download Part I of this multi-part series.

Irish-American History as Soul Retrieval

thumbnail_Irish-American_Article_232pxIn modern times, by definition, we emphasize progress and the future. The mindfulness movement is of course about the one eternal now. What, then, can the indigenous peoples of the world teach us with their emphasis on “the ancestors?”

A whole lot and way more than we know.

Here is my attempt to learn from my Irish ancestors. I went to Ireland and Iona, Scotland for a month in the fall of 2013 on a soul retrieval trip, the one I have owed myself but was too unaware to take earlier.

Just click the title to download a PDF: Irish American History As Soul Retrieval

Therapy, Depth Psychology and Executive Coaching

Coaching and Therapy Cover ImageCoaches and therapists work in the same two energy fields—the first, those cognitive places where we think, and the second, the those pre-verbal, old brain places from which our core energy emerges. Coaches and therapists have different terms and ways of working with these inner energy fields as we interact in the world of work, families, and communities. The article “Therapy, Depth Psychology and Executive Coaching” is my attempt to describe how these two professions overlap and blend. I got a grad school credit for it, so it is a bit more academic than I most often write, but the charts capture the big thoughts in compressed form.

You can scan it in a few minutes, or try to absorb it deeply and spend some time. Hope you find some value.


Answering Your Call
"I have been on a tear reading everything I can on purpose and calling and I think your book is the one book everyone should read."

Julia Holloway
coach in the Boston area

I have answered my call and after 27 years since I first started work as a greenhorn MBA, and after some marvelous assignments with some great organisations and industries across the world and through times of amazing change... I'm happy to let you know that I've just registered my own company, Qua Aliter Associates, to pursue this.
I have read
Answering Your Call twice over already - really loved your style of writing and also the concepts that you bring to fore - I particularly enjoyed your elaboration on the doldrums, the evocateur, saboteur and provocateur!
I cannot tell you how much "Answering your Call" helped me in my transition - and I shall keep going back to it for more strength and insight, especially as I help others in answering their call.

Krishnan Iyler