“We are all just walking each other home.” Ram Dass
“Their imaginations are more important than your ideas.” John Schuster
“Everyone has a purpose and yours may be watching television.” David Letterman
“This is too important to take seriously.” Anonymous
“The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.” Casey Stengel
From the Poets
“With double vision my eyes do see: Double vision is always with me.” William Blake
“The body will become restless until the soul paints all its beauty on the sky.” Hafez
“The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you: don’t go back to sleep.” Rumi
“This is the oldest wisest and wildest thing I know: the soul exists and is built entirely out of attentiveness.” Mary Oliver
On neuro-science
“…the essential difference between the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere is that the right hemisphere pays attention to the Other, whatever it is that exists apart from ourselves, with which it sees itself in profound relation. It is deeply attracted to, and given life by, the relationship, the betweenness, that exists with this Other. By contrast, the left hemisphere pays attention to the virtual world that it has created, which is self-consistent, but self-contained, ultimately disconnected from the Other, making it powerful, but ultimately only able to operate on something, and to know itself.” Iain McGilchrist
On the second half of life
“I view death as mostly a significant change of address.” Annie LaMott
“Generativity – the act of giving ourselves to the needs of the rest of the world –is the single most important function of old age.” Joan Chitester
“Our culture is not much interested in why we grow old, how we ought to grow old, or what it means to grow old.” Thomas Cole
“Renewed awareness of the spiritual dimensions of later life and new opportunities for healing our culture’s split between mastery and mystery.” Thomas Cole