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Celtic Imagination as Healing Force

Celtic Imagination as Healing Force Part 1 – w cover image The title of my Masters Project at Saybrook says summarizes much of my life quest and much of what I hope to do with my work and life the last few decades I have left.  The title is: Children of the Lost...

Irish-American History as Soul Retrieval

In modern times, by definition, we emphasize progress and the future. The mindfulness movement is of course about the one eternal now. What, then, can the indigenous peoples of the world teach us with their emphasis on “the ancestors?” A whole lot and way more than we...

Therapy, Depth Psychology and Executive Coaching

Coaches and therapists work in the same two energy fields—the first, those cognitive places where we think, and the second, the those pre-verbal, old brain places from which our core energy emerges. Coaches and therapists have different terms and ways of working with...